JBS/Jellybean Services
JBS/Jellybean Services was started as a small web design company in 1996 in West Michigan. As time progressed, we began offering other services to local businesses.

In 2005 we began to expand our services to include other business services to all. Today, we have clients that require services across the United States and Canada.
Court Research Coverage
With our extensive network of researchers, we have one of the largest teams of court researchers available. Our researchers uphold the high standards that set us apart from other court research firms. If we don't have someone in an area that you need, we'll get someone!
JBS/Jellybean Services Judgments
Our judgment records come directly from the courthouse. When researching judgments, we take the following steps to ensure your data is 100% good:

  • Look up judgments based on criteria you're looking for (Types of Plaintiffs, debt amount, areas, ect)
  • Once a potential judgment has been located, we research the judgment to ensure there has not been any reassignments, no garnishments, and that it has not been satisfied
  • When one of these have been identified in the judgment, we continue to the next. If none of these pertain to the judgment, we record the information onto a excel spreadsheet.
  • At the end of the day, our researcher e-mails it to our quality control department. At this point, it is checked to ensure all information has been entered in properly, no duplicated addresses/names, debt amounts are within the criteria that you are looking for, and from the area you have requested.
  • Once it has been through our quality control, it is e-mailed to you the same day the researcher visits the courthouse. If e-mailed to us during the night hours, you typically will have it first thing in the morning.
  • No record is resold, ever. We collect this information specifically for you.

    Our judgment admin will keep in contact with you during the process of collections. The admin will let you know what is going on, and when you should be expecting your records. Due to the nature of how we collect information, it may take up to 2 weeks to collect your judgments. You will receive the judgments as they come in. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail our admin. Once you place an order, the admin will contact you to follow up.

    On-going collections
    We do offer on-going collections for those who are interested. We have a service agreement that we require each client to sign for on-going collections. JBS does NOT resell any information that is collected. No information is collected before an order is placed to ensure 100% freshness of your records. When we are collecting on a on-going basis, we do not provide records to competitors from your area. The area that you request becomes reserved strictly for you.

    Click here for a sample of what you would receive

    Why purchase court researched judgments?
  • You are receiving data on people whom have not received any payment on their judgments up to the moment the researcher is at the courthouse
  • Less competition. Most competitors buy from online databases. We do not offer online databases.
  • Individuals that you contact have most likely given up trying to collect their judgment. When you contact them, you will appear as a "god send"
  • Information is researched directly from the courthouse to ensure accuracy as exactly printed on the file. If you need a copy of the judgment, we can get this for you!

    In 2008, we did a test run of judgment mailers. We collected 25 judgments. Out of these 25:
  • 12 phone calls received
  • 9 people stated they were interested in having their judgments collected
  • 5 people returned the paperwork to start the judgment recovery process
  • Total debt assigned: $24,900
  • Total investment: $130 (Leads, postage, letter printing, ect)

    When placing your order, please include the following on your order:
  • Type of plaintiff- Business, Individuals, Both Individuals and Plaintiffs
  • Geograpic location- What COUNTIES/STATE would you like them from? Please include a minimum of 6 counties
  • Minimum debt amount- What minimum judgment debt amount would you like
  • Maximum debt amount- Do you have a maximum debt amount?
  • Anything else?
  • Did you know?
    JBS has professional court researchers that visit the courthouses in person. By personally being there, we can ensure that you are receiving quality information that is accurate and useable. All information is collected directly off the actual documents.
    Fun fact
    JBS belives in helping the community. We drive medicaid/cancer patients to the doctors, occasionally offering them work within our company. These individuals are responsible for ensuring the quality of your leads. They also are the heart of our direct mailer program. When you do business with us, you are helping us help the community.